SIS Risk Management has performed many projects in support of insurance placements of all sizes (from National Oil & Gas Companies through to Independent Oil & Gas Companies) and as a result interact with the majority of the key leading underwriters and leading brokers. Our goal is to be in touch constantly with underwriters and brokers to make sure that we have deep relationships and that our services and support always evolve alongside the industry. In particular, we are very proud that the Munich Re Syndicate has been a key supporter and has allowed us to quote the following reference:


“SIS has become a highly valued provider to Munich Re through their expertise, delivery and customer service pedigree. I regard them as part of a new breed of solution provider that our industry will benefit greatly from – underwriter, broker and client alike. Their vision of an insurance industry driven by best in class practitioners, backed up by highest quality specialists and primary data, is one that we wholeheartedly endorse. We would thoroughly recommend clients, partners and competitors alike to use SIS’s services.”


     Dominick Hoare
     Chief Underwiting Officer
     Munich Re Syndicate