SIS’s services are typically paid for in full by underwriters. It is in the best interests of all parties involved in the insurance transaction, insured, underwriters and brokers alike, to better understand and work to improve the risk together. If underwriters are paying for all this support why not take advantage of it? This engineering based approach to insurance is particularly relevant for complex, evolving and potentially catastrophic risks as are often found in the energy industry. Through SIS’s best in class network all parties are receiving top-quality engineering support which can be used to help in the following ways:
– Risk Managers/Company Executives have an independent, informed insight into key assets and exposures allowing them to better evaluate adequacy of limits of coverage, asset integrity and potential ways to improve the risk
– Operations teams have an independent resource that can help them stay abreast of latest advancements in risk mitigation strategies and risk improvement technology.
– Underwriters benefit by becoming a true risk management partner with their key clients assisting the insured with understanding and improving their risks. This approach will differentiate those underwriters that have a long-term client focus from peers that have a short term transaction oriented focus. This engineering approach creates a much needed extra dimension to the insurance arrangement creating significant additional value to the client and helps build the long-term relationship.
– Brokers benefit by helping the insured and underwriters better understand risks and potential ways to improve the risks. Brokers are better armed to differentiate exemplary risks helping with the goal of achieving superior terms for their clients. This engineering based approach provides valuable assistance when structuring programs and reinsurances and providing clients with meaningful limit and coverage options.
– It should be noted that the vast majority of engineering services provided within insurance policies are NOT linked or embedded within warranties or subjectivities. As a result, they do NOT lead to the creation of burdensome policy provisions/issues.
– Sometimes, however, underwriters do impose warranties or subjectivities on higher risk exposures and SIS are asked to review plans/projects (such as deepwater exploratory wells etc) and to make recommendations. SIS will work very closely with the insured, underwriter and broker alike to expediently and professionally develop meaningful, relevant, user friendly recommendations. All parties can be assured that SIS’s network will have the requisite up-to-date experience and relevant knowledge that will be of significant benefit to all parties.
SIS is 100% privately owned, is completely independent and does not have conflicts of interest with brokers or underwriters. Confidentiality and impartiality are assured by aligning your business with SIS Risk Management.