Informed Knowledge Partners
to the Energy Insurance Industry

Bespoke Offerings Built With And
For the Insurance Community

Network of World Class Specialists
Actively Working in the Field

From Wellhead to Power

100% Independent, Impartial and Fully Aligned

Our Company

SIS Risk Management provides world class engineering support and due diligence services to the energy insurance industry. With hundreds of specialists active in the field worldwide, we cover every corner of the globe. Discover more: Why Use SIS?, How to Access SIS's Services, Experience and History and Underwriter Support.

Our Services

We bespoke our services according to the needs of the insured and requirements of the risk. Our suite of products include well reviews, facility analysis, cyber and security assessments through to relevant data gathering and analysis. Find out more about our services and capabilities under: For Insureds, For Underwriters and For Brokers.

Our Network

We have access to hundreds of professional energy engineers and specialists throughout the world. Our network includes major global engineering companies through to highly qualified individuals that have unique knowledge and capabilities. Find out more about our network under Our Network and Clients & Projects.


SIS Risk Management Mission Statement

To be the knowledge based partner of choice for the energy insurance community by providing first class quality risk information, engineering resources and risk support. In the process, working closely with each insured, their leading underwriters and broking team, we will elevate the professional standards of the energy insurance industry. Through our focus and drive we will improve risk analysis, facilitate risk differentiation and advance best practices in risk management. Our work and advice will help professional organizations make informed decisions, and will assist with delivering well-designed, quality insurance solutions that add significant value to all parties.



Network Highlights

SIS have long-term contracts in place with all its network providers. These agreements form the bedrock of durable insurance alliances. Our best-in-class experts have broad capabilities that can help all parties in the energy insurance industry. Here are some highlights:

- Lloyd’s Register have inspected 80% of the World’s offshore rigs
- LR Senergy have managed the drilling of over 120 wells (offshore and onshore) and provided engineering support to 100s more around the world
- Stellar Well Control have controlled 2 significant well blowouts for a super major oil company in one month alone in 2016
- Lloyd’s Register is the leading supplier of independent risk management services to the drilling industry
- Together we have performed Asset Integrity Reports for insurers on 18 platforms in the Gulf of Mexico in 2016 alone
- Together we have performed Rig Stacking Verification Reports for insurers on dozens of rigs in North America
- Together we are building training, audit and safety capabilities that are highly aligned with insurance policies
- Together we have helped create mechanisms that have directly led to millions of dollars of insurance premium savings while improving risk awareness and raising standards

SIS Risk Management in association with Lloyd's Register, LR Senergy, Stellar Well Control and our other network partners are bringing dynamic, actionable solutions to the insurance market.